Monday, April 18, 2011

140 Character Conference Des Moines

It was late February when the notice first crossed my desk. The next 140 Character Conference was going to be held in Des Moines is early May. Being a child of the 70's that begged the question, "What is the 140 Character Conference." I had no clue. So with the help of Google and a couple of other links I learn its a conference about Twitter and how it has impacted society from a professional and personal standpoint. Speakers were being sought and it was given some thought before the phone rang and five other things happened in the office. The idea was forgotten. Then came April 14th when, where else, A tweet showed up on Tweet Deck. They were still calling for speakers even though the original sign up deadline has passed two weeks prior. This time the form was filled out and lo and behold the reply back from one of the organizers was"Of course you can speak" So I get ten minutes... five about how Twitter has affected us in my profession as a journalist and how it has impacted the service organization Optimist International. This should be fun and enlightening. Certainly this child of the 70's might learn a thing or two about how to make better use of something that only allows for 140 characters. The conference is May 9th beginning at 8:30 in the morning at the Stoner Theatre in downtown Des Moines. More than 200 people will be in attendance. Maybe you should join us.

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