Sunday, April 29, 2012

Getting Away and Reconnecting

            Have you ever had an event that has really had an impact on you to the point that you had to process what happened over several days before you could actually tell people about it?  That happened earlier this month when I attended a men’s retreat sponsored by my church. This was a tremendous opportunity to recharge my depleted spiritual batteries.  They had been drained over the past couple of weeks because of work related issues.       The retreat was a perfect forum to escape and to refocus.  The 21 hours spent in an area away from most of society allowed for time for reflection.  Try and imagine this.

            You get up at the crack of dawn or before then because the person in the next bunk is snoring up a storm, but this development provides all kinds of opportunities. You grab a warm beverage and walk to the shore of the lake. (All camps have one)  It brings renewal. The world is awakening before you and this has nothing to do with traffic or your job or the rest of society.  It’s you and nature. On this particular weekend in this particular location it was the sound of Canada geese greeting a new day.  Picture it for a moment.  It’s in the upper 40’s, there is steam coming off the water creating an almost fog like atmosphere.  Then when all is quiet the piercing sound of the call of a goose shatters the morning quiet.  It could be a loon, or just a roster in the nearby field announcing the day depending on where you are.  You sense something surreal about your surroundings and it forces you to pause and for a long time your mind wonders to a quiet place.  You breathe deeply, savoring the moment. You are at peace.  And this is just the first 10 minutes of your day.

            The point here is to make certain that you plan for yourself a getaway.  You don’t necessarily have to go to a camp although I highly recommend it.  It could be your favorite chair at home, with a good book.  It could be for a walk near your home (leave your cell phone at home) but get away.  Take the time to pause and reflect.  Take the time to spend some time with yourself. You are important and you need to take care of yourself.  We all need to stop and get off the merry go round of life and recharge.  Yes, I was fortunate that I could go on a retreat to do so…but just a day ago, it was two hours in a coffee shop, a couple of green teas and a blueberry muffin and some reading.

            I do hope you find the opportunity to take some time soon and recharge. It will be time well spent.

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