Monday, May 6, 2019

Post Conference Thoughts

It is amazing how a well run conference re energizes the participants, whether they be part of the faculty or whether they are among the presenters.  Regardless of the category, it appears the second annual conference of Optimist International Nepal was  very successful.

But this was not all work an no play.  Sunday was a day of learning for me as a couple of my Optimist friends here took me on a tour of the city and then into the mountains where roads are in places barely passable and have more twists in them than a pretzel.  There are also holes in the pavement where you could get a small car stuck if you weren't careful.  And we saw something that is not for the faint of heart which I was half tempted to try.

But again, I was only half tempted. While the conference has ended and the sightseeing is about over, the Optimist news out of Nepal will continue to be positive.  It was announced at the conference there will be two new Optimist Clubs in the country by the end of June, a second Club in Biratnager and a new Club in Damak.  Plus, work is underway for a second Junior Optimist Club in the country to compliment the one already in Pokhara.

You should also know the sightseeing tour was not all work and no play.  While at the View Point, 5,500 feet above the Pokhara Valley in Sarangkot, I started talking with two gentlemen who are Nepali nationals.  Just so happens that now,  one lives in Virginia and the other in Colorado and after some conversation, both are very interested in trying to start Optimists Clubs when they get back home later this month. I'll definitely be having conversations with both of them.

Nepal is fast becoming a stronghold for Optimist International in Asia.  The members here are passionate, committed, and full of energy. And it was heartening to see entire families that made the journey to Pokhara for the two day event. The Optimists here  have no intention of stopping anytime soon which puts a very positive spin on the idea of a "Global Perspective for Promise Yourself."

Now.....on to Thailand.

1 comment:

  1. The next stop will be Optimist Africa. Congratulations Nepal Optimist on your successful convention. Let's keep the fire burning
