I haven't updated the blog for a few weeks because there was a need for relaxation and rejuvenation.
Study after recent study has shown a significant percentage of workers in the U.S. do not take full advantage of vacation time offered them. For those who do, the temptation to check in as opposed to checking out becomes too great. There is a fear they may miss something if they do not check their home email or their Face book page or they feel a need to update the world through their Twitter account.
But think for a moment what it was like before all of that was around. The 90's for email and the past decade for the social media explosion. Yet we all survived and I submit we probably enjoyed the time away from work much more without feeling the constant need to check this or update that.
I admit I took my laptop on vacation to Colorado. But as it turns out I really did not need to. I was able to resist the temptation. Over the two weeks I caved in only twice by checking the email at home. (I learned a long time ago the benefits of not checking the office email account because it was a vacation from work. Nor did I ever check in with the office.) And the emails I did answer while on vacation from my home account could have all easily waited until I returned.
The end result was a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation which was badly needed. It's really easy to do and if you'd like to learn how, I have a seminar in development that will help you unplug and enjoy a fuller life.