Friday, April 11, 2014

Rock Ballad Heaven

I'll admit to a little bias up front today.  I enjoyed the music of the 70's and 80's.  It's why I looked forward with anticipation to opening night of the production called Power Balladz at the Temple for the Performing Arts in Des Moines.

 I was not disappointed.

The idea of the production is pretty straight forward.  It's about the rise and fall of the guitar laden, big hair type of music of the era through the performances of an eight piece ensemble (five musicians and three singers, "Dieter, Scott and Mary)  From the opening cover of Night Ranger's "Sister Christian" to the finale of Queen's "We Are the Champions,"  the production keeps the audience engaged and allows it to participate at just about anytime it wants to.   (Could be why its labeled the "Ultimate Sing-A-Long.)

This is not just two hours of music and head for the exits.  The comedic element is evident right from the start and segments include involving  members of the audience on stage in an effort to test their knowledge of rock trivia .  The prize...shooting off  the "Frickin T-Shirt Cannon."   You can even find the cast and band interacting with the patrons in the lobby during the intermission

The musicians on keyboards, drums, bass, and a couple of mean guitars are a tightly  knit band.  You  would be hard pressed,  if you closed your eyes,  to distinguish whether you were hearing sounds from Whitesnake, Journey, Poison or Bon Jovi, or from five guys who came together for an off Broadway production. They rarely missed a beat and even on this particular night when I did notice one, the expression from the band seemed to convey, 'Where did that come from?"

The Temple for the Performing Arts is the perfect venue for this type of production.  The intimate setting allows for a number of opportunities for audience interaction.  Yes, the music is loud, but its not overbearing.  You have to remember this is about Power Rock Ballads with killer guitar licks and sometimes screeching vocals. All of that is present in Power Balladz but never once did I reach for the ear plugs in my pocket, brought just in case they were needed.

The only downside to all of that Power Balladz is only at the Temple through Saturday, April 12.  We can only "Dream On' that the powers-that-be at Des Moines Performing Arts seriously consider bringing this production back to Des Moines.   The "Winds of Change" in the music industry have put the power ballad into the history books but it was nice for at least one night to "Come Sail Away" with the music that so many people "Faithfully" sing a long with anytime they have the opportunity.