There are always going to be days that bring the unexpected. Sometimes those days present themselves with opportunities while others present challenges that can lead to opportunities. One of those days reared its head recently and had it come at a different stage of life the end result might have been quite different.
The car was in need of an oil change and other routine maintenance. You may already know where this is going. The car has 111 thousand miles and then some so you expected the unexpected. Sure enough the mechanic calls and says, "You know that noise you are hearing? One of the sway bar link has broken and the other one (I didn't know there were two) was about to go. Anytime there is a part of an automobile that you know nothing about it's usually bad news for the wallet.
At a different time in life this would have been a traumatic experience. But I have learned something along the way. Setbacks like this actually happen all the time. It's what you do with them that makes the difference. There was some grumbling between my wife and me about the $25 dollar oil change suddenly costing a a couple hundred more and change. There was the discussion about paying for it and how no matter how hard we try we never seem to be able to clear a credit card balance completely. And there was that general sinking feeling inside that we all get when we have to spend money on something we didn't want to spend it on.
But the bottom line is the car is quieter now, probably safer and I was able to take the high road. I believe if you set your mind in advance to accept the stuff life throws at us from time to time it's easier to maintain your balance. Just think about it... because if today was a bad one tomorrow should be better...especially if you have the mind set to look at the "Sunny Side of Everything....."
Excerpt in quotations taken from the Optimist Creed written by Christian D. Larson 1912