Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Inner Voice Will Guide You

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
                                                                                                                                Calvin Coolidge

NO.    There are not a lot of us who do not like hearing that simple two letter word.  It means we can’t do something we wanted to do. And, sometimes the word is used because what we are thinking of could actually bring harm to ourselves and others.  But, in the context of achieving a goal or objective in the professional or personal realm, I argue it is an opportunity to invoke the art of being persistent and to chart a different course in order to attain the goal or objective.

 One of actor Denzel Washington’s many starring roles came from the dark drama “The Book of Eli.”  There is a scene showing him sitting around an open fire with co-star, Mila Kunis, and the conversation is about how he survived after “The War.”  Mr. Washington tells the story of how one day he heard a voice from inside that set him on his journey regarding the Book and how the voice told him he would be protected during the journey.  The key is that he listened to the voice.

Our internal voice, which some call a person’s  conscience, is a guiding beacon each one of us has access to but we have to listen when it speaks to us.  The”Voice” (not to be confused with the television series)  is almost always right and can point us in the correct direction to go.  Christians call it the Holy Spirit.  Your voice can help overcome NO by suggesting a new direction that likely will help attain the goal or objective established at the beginning of your project.  Often times it’s referred to as Plan B or Plan C. 

I argue there is nearly always a second or third path to achieve the objective if Plan A isn’t working but we have to listen for that direction and then act on it when we hear from our inner voice.  Sometimes doors of opportunity will close but it usually means another door of opportunity is about to open.  When it does, we have to use persistence to go through it so we can accomplish the goal at hand.

A case in point the next time we connect.   Be well.

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