Tuesday, October 6, 2015

That's Impossible

Perhaps a second opinion is in order to refute the title.  It's true that some things are impossible thanks to the laws of physics. It's not possible to step off of a building and not fall to the ground.  The laws of gravity dictate it will happen.  Just ask Robin Williams' character in the Movie "Fern Gully."  This is not about the laws of physics but instead about the roadblocks we put up for ourselves regarding situations that confront us in every day life.

A dilemma rears its head and we suddenly feel the situation is impossible to overcome.  There seems no way out, no alternative to the situation we face, and only angst as we come to the realization we are in one heck of a situation.  But this is where philosophy takes over.  No, not Aristotle or Plato or any of the other ancient philosophers.  This is about a philosophy for life.

It became clear for me several years ago that any time a dilemma rears its head it is not something to become discouraged over but rather it should be viewed as an opportunity.  It could be a chance for change, charting a new direction, or opening up another aspect of life that heretofore was unavailable.  The latest example was this past Saturday coming home from a conference where another attendee asked for some help with a perplexing situation. ( Never be afraid to ask for help, suggestions or guidance) I told him I would "noodle" it sine I had a five and a half hour drive home.   So utilizing my creative thinking environment (classic rock on the stereo) I waited for inspiration to show up and it did somewhere south of Hannibal, MO. So what seemed like it was impossible just a day before now had a plausible solution which could be massaged so it could apply to several scenarios.

There is always going to be a Plan B or C or something else.  We just have to be open to the possibilities that we initially do not see because the dilemma seems so insurmountable.  So when you come across a situation such as that, pause, reflect, ask others and if the spirit moves, put on some "thinking music" you enjoy.  This can also apply to dreams that seem out of reach, mountains to high to climb and chasms to great to cross.  Maybe Building 429 can help.

Be well.

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