Thursday, August 20, 2015

An Impressive First Impression

Each one of us has had this experience at one time or another.  We are introduced to someone and we are not sure what to make of that person.  For a lot of us it stops there and we can lose a great opportunity to get to know someone who could easily become more than just a passing acquaintance.  The individual could become a great friend, perhaps a mentor in an area of our lives that needs that kind of help, or someone who is worthy of a step back on our part and an expression of , "Wow."

So it was the weekend of August 14-16, 2015 as I traveled to Santa Maria, California for the Pacific Southwest Optimist District Convention.  I was introduced to a man by the name of Dana LaMon and I wasn't sure what to make of him.  But having counseled others not to prejudge people based on first impressions, I decide it best to take a dose of my own medicine.

Turns out Dana LaMon is the type of person all of us should be introduced to at one point in time in our lives.  Confident, yet, humble.  Intelligent but unwilling to flaunt it. A person who carefully chooses his words so that the exact intended meaning in a sentence is delivered.  Mr. LaMon is all of those and more.  He is an accomplished motivational speaker, runs a successful business, and has community service running through his veins.  He is an author.  He told me he likes to listen to people so he can study them and draw conclusions about the human condition so it can be incorporated into his presentations as a speaker and a trainer.  It provides him with knowledge few others    He listens to people but doesn't watch them.

Dana LaMon is blind.  I had to reserve judgement right after meeting him as I said in order to practice what I preach.  I am really glad I did.  Dana was elected as the governor of the Pacific Southwest District last weekend with the full support of convention delegates and after just two days with him I concluded there are great things ahead of him. (He;s already flown a plane and confesses to not just think outside the box but to Be outside the box)

We can all learn something from any new person we meet at any given time if we avoid the knee jerk reaction and the temptation to prejudge.  If we don't hold back we could be robbing ourselves of a tremendous opportunity to learn from others and to experience the beginning of a long lasting, positive relationship.  I look forward to lmy next encounter with Dana LaMon.

Be good this weekend and meet someone new.  Be well.

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