Thursday, August 13, 2015

Are You Working Too Hard and Too Much?

The school year begins in less than two weeks in Iowa.  In other states its already underway.  Which seems to make the following rather timely.  I didn't go looking for this but rather it was something contained in the dozens of emails that come my way each day at the office in the newsroom.  But it struck a cord with me because too often these days there are too many people who have found themselves way outside the norm for work life balance.   So the following test from Women's Health Magazine may be of interest.  Just follow the instructions

  Rate how well each of the following sentences describes you, using a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being the response if the statement doesn't apply to you and a 4 if it really applies.  Total up your points and compare the score with parameters set up in the Results segment below.

1. I live for survival mode, racing against deadlines.
2. I've got more big projects going than the President.
3. At any one moment, I'm on the phone, checking my inbox, updating my to-do list, etc.
4. I over promise more than deliver.
5. I feel guilty if I don't reply to a work e-mail ASAP.
6. The night-shift cleaning staff at the office knows me by name.
7. It's hard to relax and unplug-even on vacation.
8. I spend way more time working than hanging with friends or family.


8-16: Congrats! You're a master of work-life equilibrium. 

17-24: Warning! The job is starting to take over your world. 

25-32: Red alert! You're steamrolling toward extreme burnout with a stress level that is off the charts.

If you fall into the latter two categories there will be some tips in Tuesday's blog for how to regain the Work-life balance.   If you have already mastered it, I'd like to hear your suggestions via the comment
option below.   Enjoy the weekend....and leave the office behind.

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