Change is difficult for a number of reasons. But on this particular day it is difficult because of a lack of mobility. A lot of people have endured plantar faciitis, which causes a lot of pain in the heel of the foot. It also makes it difficult to get around. My condition was first diagnosed in early August and a pain relieving injection was given. It lasted three weeks and the condition came back with a vengeance this past week to the point of it being extremely difficult to walk. (mowing the yard was not fun) . Orthopedic inserts have were purchased and they are being tested out.
This is not about seeking out a pity party but it is about a lesson learned and about being compassionate. There is a new appreciation for those who have difficulty getting around. I can't do what I did a month ago. There is a new perspective for those of us who have suffered a temporary setback of having two legs and feet that work properly or a condition that is permanent that requires assistance to get around. It seems many times we take for granted some of the apparent simple things in life.
This is also a lesson in patience which is something I have been a little short of over the years. The experts say this condition will go away with proper stretching exercises but it will not happen overnight. In fact, it usually takes a long time. There is no doubt the day when the pain is gone and walking becomes a normal function again will be welcomed with open arms. But not knowing when that day will come is excruciatingly difficult for someone who likes to have things done yesterday.
Maybe the lesson is just to slow down. Most of us are guilty of going through life at break neck speeds in order to attempt to accomplish everything we have placed on our calendar. Do you think we might enjoy some of them more if we took a more leisurely pace? Maybe so. Maybe I would have had a better understanding of the challenges faced by those who are less mobile than me if I wasn't trying to accomplish umpteen things at once and had no time to consider their situation. The unexpected slowdown has brought that to the forefront.
Maybe the pain in the left heel was meant to be nothing more than a learning experience.
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